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Po vsej sili živ

Alive with all my might

Seven years on a small biodynamic estate reveal the painful consequences of climate change to a farmer unwilling to surrender.

Dimensions: 13 × 20 cm
No. of pages: 136
Year of publication: 2024

Seven beginnings and seven endings of seasons on a small farm almost kill, reward, sober up, and teach humility to a person. Nataša Kramberger, who took over the failing estate at the age of thirty-three and turned it into a vibrant biodynamic farm, after seven years, in connection with the novel Comparable Hectares, wonders what went right, what went wrong, and what can still be done to avoid the next catastrophe.

In seven years of farming, the consequences of climate change have become painfully evident: one day, once mighty trees collapse due to prolonged drought, the next day, your cellar turns into a swamp due to floods. It seems that nature has gone wild; no rules are adhered to anymore. Which rules should then an ecological farmer adhere to? While some rely on bureaucratic rules of European tenders and irrational demands of the market, Nataša Kramberger discovers wisdom from past times and learns to observe. Because we are all part of the global ecological balance. Therefore, we must take responsibility. Responsibility for possibility.

Foto: Daniele Croci

Nataša Kramberger

Nataša Kramberger (born in Maribor in 1983) is a writer, columnist, youth worker, and ecological farmer. In her books, essays, reports, and commentaries, she often connects rural and urban life while blending different genres. She is also the author of interdisciplinary artistic projects on agriculture, natural earth building, and conservation. In Jurovski Dol, she manages a small biodynamic farm where, with the collective Green Hub, she hosts numerous young people from all over Europe every summer, aiming to equip them with knowledge and experiences to combat climate change through contact with the land. During winter, she relocates to Berlin, where she seeks to understand how to conduct such a struggle in the concrete jungle of a multimillion city.