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Česar ne moreš povedati frizerki

Things You Can't Tell Your Hairdresser

Agata Tomažič’s stories are the real deal – firm, solid, with a remarkably rich and occasionally very poetic language. They make a reader pause and listen, curious about how they’ll end. They say there’s no heaven for bored readers, but there most certainly is one for content ones.

Irena Štaudohar

Rights sold: France

Dimensions: 13 x 20 cm
Year of publication: 2015
No. of pages: 205

About the Book

Česar ne moreš povedati frizerki (Things You Can’t Tell Your Hairdresser) is Agata Tomažič’s first short story collection. The author is best known to the public for her work at Delo newspaper. The heroes of her stories seem completely ordinary people to whom nothing extraordinary ever happens, until… the arrogant yuppie starts turning into a frog; the forty-year-old mama’s boy striving to calculate the highest prime number falls in love with a young coworker; a widow finds a long forgotten mobile phone belonging to her deceased husband.

Agata Tomažič (foto Boštjan Pucelj)

Agata Tomažič

Agata Tomažič (1977) graduated in French at the Faculty of Arts and in Journalism at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana. She first impressed readers with her extraor- dinary journalistic contribution to a major national newspaper and her translations of fiction and non-fiction from English and French. She ventured into the literary scene with her much admired collection of short stories Things You Can’t Tell Your Hairdresser, published in 2015, and a year later with a literary travelogue Why Travel to Such Places? In 2017 her debut novel Right Under the Sky was published by Goga, followed by another collection of short stories. She currently works at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts and keeps in touch with her audience as an avid tweeter.