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From Singularity to Greed

Has greed has become a virtue?

Copyright: © 2018 Miha Mazzini
Dimenzije: 11,5 × 16,5 cm
Leto izida: 2020
Število strani: 80
Vrsta: mehka vezava
ISBN: 9789612772789

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Creative Europe

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One of Slovenia’s foremost columnists, Miha Mazzini is an astute observer of the human condition. However, as is often the case, what makes us human is also what we would prefer to stay hidden, for example – as Miha Mazzini’s short stories make blatantly evident – that greed has become a virtue. These fascinating stories provide a piercing insight into the economy of human relationships in a technicised world, in which nothing is for free and everyone will be the victim of someone else’s greed.

Miha Mazzini (foto: Boštjan Pucelj)

Miha Mazzini

Miha Mazzini, pisatelj, avtor 19 leposlovnih knjig, 10 priročnikov, scenarist, režiser in računalniški strokovnjak. Dobitnik številnihmednarodnih nagrad. Avtor scenarijev za dva nagrajena celovečerna filma in režiser štirih kratkih filmov. Končal podiplomskištudij scenaristike na The University of Sheffield, Anglija. Doktor znanosti, program Antropologija vsakdanjega življenja, InstitutumStudiorum Humanitatis, Ljubljana. Njegova literarna dela so bila prevedena v številne tuje jezike, pri največjih evropskih inameriških založbah.