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The Oratorio of Scented Time • The Martyrdom of Aunt Martha • Willows

When the mundane becomes fantastic, the uncanny feels oddly familiar.

Copyright: 2021, Goga Publishing
Dimenzije: 11.5 × 16.5
Leto izida: 2021
Število strani: 88
Vrsta: mehka vezava
ISBN: 9789612773090

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Creative Europe

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About the book

When the mundane becomes fantastic, the uncanny feels oddly familiar. Boris Kolar’s short stories challenge the boundaries of human experience, confined by our perceptions and tainted by memory, amplifying the limits of our grasp in order to subvert them and – quite literally – go deeper. For Kolar’s protagonists this can lead to bizarre turns, marvelous mishaps, and funny encounters at moments when worlds collide. Perhaps one could finally experience the true nature of being a tree or use one’s sense of smell to uncover a mistery frozen in time. On the other hand, though, perhaps one should strive not to, and simply admire the possibilities.

Boris Kolar (foto: Boštjan Pucelj)

Boris Kolar

Boris Kolar je ekolog in ekotoksikolog v Nacionalnem laboratoriju za zdravje okolje in hrano v Mariboru, kot zunanji ekspert za okoljska tveganja deluje pri Evropski agenciji za zdravila v Amsterdamu. Bil je kolumnist Večera, v slovenskem literarnem prostoru se je pojavljal z redkimi objavami v literarnih revijah, poznamo ga po romanih Iqball hotel in Potopimo Islandijo!, ki sta bila v ožjem izboru nagrado kresnik. Njegova besedila pripovedujejo o tesnem stiku z naravo, so svetla, predvsem pa izjemno duhovita.